Stewardship Notes for November 2019


     In our monthly articles, we have tried to emphasize different aspects of a Stewardship lifestyle.  We hope that you have come to appreciate the depth and breadth of Stewardship, and to recognize that this subject includes our whole lives.   We said previously that a steward is someone who manages another person’s property, finances, or affairs.  This month, we want to remind everyone that we are Stewards of God’s Abundance. 

     We live in a world which focuses on scarcity.  As we wrestle with the daily realities of our lives, we often find ourselves worrying that we don’t have enough – not enough time, possessions, or money.  It seems that everything that we have is perishable and could be gone at any moment, so we feel driven to get more of everything! 

     Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10b)    Martin Luther reminds us in his explanation of the First Article of the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe that God has created me and all that exists.  He has given me and still preserves my body and soul with all their powers.  He provides me with food and clothing, home and family, daily work, and all I need from day to day   God also protects me in time of danger and guards me from every evil.  All this He does out of fatherly and divine goodness and mercy, though I do not deserve it.  Therefore I surely ought to thank and praise, serve and obey Him.  This is most certainly true.”  St. Paul wrote, “And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)   God is not troubled by scarcity and, as His beloved children, neither should we.  

     We recognize that God has generously filled our lives with blessings – life, family, friends, health, work, opportunities, forgiveness, salvation, and many others.   Just try to count all of them; you cannot do it!  And for these gifts we should always be grateful.  God knows us better than we understand ourselves, and He always provides more than enough to meet our needs.   So we can trust that God will always provide enough for us.   We do not have to worry that God’s bountiful provision for us will ever run out.   And because we have received God’s blessings, we are empowered to respond with thankfulness, kindness, and liberality ourselves.  We are called to share God’s abundance with others, and not just to keep it for ourselves.  We are to live faithfully, gratefully, and generously.   That is what it means for us to be Stewards of God’s Abundance.  

     God daily and abundantly provides for all of our needs.   Let us give thanks for all of the blessings that we have received, and share them with others.  For more information about being Stewards of God’s Abundance, come to our Stewardship Community Connections cluster on November 17.   And have a Blessed Thanksgiving!