Stress: Constraining forces or influences that can cause bodily or mental tension
We’ve all felt and know what it is. But sometimes the stress level reaches a point where things begin to break. Don’t let you stress reach that point. Stephen Ministers are available to help you work through life’s difficulties and give you a safe, confidential place to vent your troubles.
If you’d like to learn more about Stephen Ministry for yourself or someone else (inside or outside our congregation), please email us with your contact information or call the church office and and a Stephen Leader will contact you. During this period of social distancing, we can provide care by telephone, video conferencing, or other methods needed to maintain social distance.
If you’d like to learn more about Stephen Ministry for yourself or someone else (inside or outside our congregation), please email us with your contact information or call the church office and and a Stephen Leader will contact you. During this period of social distancing, we can provide care by telephone, video conferencing, or other methods needed to maintain social distance.